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精神障害としての病的窃盗には,「クレプトマニア」という疾患があるが,その輪郭は明確ではない.窃盗癖は複数の障害に起因する症候群であり,疾病であり同時に犯罪でもある.窃盗癖の研究は明らかに立ち遅れていて,治療者も極めて少数である.一方,私たちが診療した窃盗癖症例は統計を取り始めた平成 20年からだけでも 350例にのぼるので,倫理的配慮をしつつその治療経験を報告する.私たちの診療した常習窃盗患者の約 9割が,窃盗癖以外の精神障害を合併していた.合併精神障害としては,摂食障害(特に過食症),物質使用障害,気分障害,不安障害(特に強迫性障害),パーソナリティ障害などが多かった.特に摂食障害は窃盗癖を合併しやすい.この両疾患の密接な関連の理由は不明である.多くの要因が関係していると考えられ,単純過ぎる「食費節約説」は実情に合わない.窃盗癖の大部分は,衝動性障害として始まり,嗜癖化メカニズムで進行すると思われる.窃盗癖への治療としては,カウンセリング(個人精神療法),認知行動療法,家族療法,集団精神療法,薬物療法,自助グループの利用などが考えられる.合併精神障害の治療も重要である.私たちの嗜癖アプローチでは,とくに,自助グループ活動と,回復(途上)者によるメッセージを重要と考える.窃盗癖治療では,個人精神療法も重要である.治療中の窃盗再犯が稀ではないので,治療開始時に,窃盗再犯時の対処を本人,家族などと相談しておくべきである.私たちは,治療開始後の窃盗(万引き)に関しては,正直な報告と返金,そして迷惑料の支払いを治療継続の条件としている.これは,治療者としては,おそらく少数派である.司法判断待ちの症例に関しては,窃盗癖は心神耗弱とはならなくとも,病的精神状態を背景とした犯行であり,また,刑罰による再犯予防効果が少なく,治療効果が期待されるので,情状酌量すべきである,というのが私たちの基本方針である.
Addiction Treatment Approach for Habitual Theft
Michio TAKEMURA, M.D. (Akagi-kohgen Hospital)
DSM-IV and ICD-10 both describe the diagnostic criteria to be used for morbid theft. However, in these commonly used diagnostic manuals, the descriptive outline of kleptomania is vague. It is suggested that habitual stealing (kleptomania) is a syndrome with a heterogeneous etiology, which is simultaneously an illness and a crime. The research on kleptomania lags behind that of other mental disorders and clinicians specializing in treating such patients are extremely few. We started a registration system for patients suffering from habitual theft in 2008, which has recorded 350 cases since its inauguration. In this report we have described our clinical experience with patients suffering from this mental disorder, while maintaining ethical standards for protecting their confidentiality.
Approximately 90% of patients suffering from habitual theft that we treated had complications involving mental disorders other than kleptomania, the most frequent of which were eating disorders (especially bulimia), substance use disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders and personality disorders. Especially, patients with eating disorders tended to develop pathological theft as a complication. Detailed reasons for this close relationship are unknown. However, many factors could be involved in the close relationship between these two mental disorders. The theory of "saving money on food expenses" as the motive for theft committed by eating disorder patients, oversimplifies a complicated matter and is inadequate as an explanation of the details of this relationship.
It is possible that most cases of kleptomania start as an impulse control disorder and progress to an addiction disorder. Medical treatment for kleptomania presently consists of counseling (individual psychotherapy), cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, group psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and self-help groups, among others. In our addiction treatment approach, we have developed and administered a program in which recovered (recovering) patients share their personal experiences with newcomers and beginners, and their family members. We strongly encourage the kleptomaniac patients to participate in self-help groups, while individual psychotherapy also plays an essential role. Since repeat offenses are almost unavoidable in some patients with kleptomania, physicians are advised to prepare for this possibility and to discuss the issue with the patients and their family members during the first session. In the program, patients with kleptomania must honestly report all their crimes, including theft (shoplifting). After the initiation of the treatment, the patients are expected to repay all the damages that result from stealing, including compensation for the victims, each time they steal. We make it a rule to request the patients and their family members to give a written oath regarding the repayment and require that patients fulfill the terms of the oath as a necessary condition for continued treatment. Many clinicians allow patients with kleptomania to continue committing crimes, even during the period of treatment. In this regard, we are a minority of physicians that insist on patients reimbursing what they have stolen.
Many kleptomaniac patients are waiting for a judicial decision on when they may seek professional help about their problem. Usually, we are asked to give an expert written opinion about our patients, in which we state that habitual theft is a repetitive crime, committed within the background of a pathological mental state that is influenced by a mental disorder, even if the disorder is not considered to cause legally defined diminished capacity. Legal punishments have very little effect on theft prevention in kleptomaniacs, whereas appropriate medical treatment is effective in reducing the recidivism rate. It is our basic policy to request the judge to take the above-mentioned extenuating circumstances into consideration and give a reduced penalty, rather than classify the defendant as legally incompetent.
Author’s abstract
Key words: kleptomania, habitual theft, diagnostic criteria, addiction treatment approach, self-help group